Summer 2021 (I) - The fofisano summer
This summer 2021 is sure to catch you with a few fewer tears and a few extra pounds. Added to the desire to go out and spend the balance of happy-points saved all year is a winter of confinement and carbohydrates.
And there is no summer pose that can withstand so much pressure...
This year, the winter lorza has democratized us. And it is time to claim it without shame and show it off with pride as a 4th generation right.

What happens when the heat comes?
When the heat comes two things happen:
The boys worry 🤯
We will talk about the first next week (because 2021 is a year in which we are going to fall in love a lot), but we have to talk about the second now, at the gates of a torrid summer:
we have let ourselves go
We have allowed ourselves to get fat
We have given ourselves (a lot) of time to excess.

All those afternoons of empty calories, what if some kicks here... what if we'll think about the bikini operation... what if a gin and tonic there, what if life is two days... Well, those two days have blown up on the calendar and the mirror gives us back the image of a battle body that this year does not pass the ITV and makes us feel ashamed.
Shame of your body? Shame on stealing!
But what shame?
If something has united Spain during the last year (besides “ la manita relax ”) it is the recebo. In the middle of a global pandemic... what were we going to do? Have endives for dinner every night? No.
We ate the desire to go out and whatever we wanted.
We ate to forget, that stuffing ourselves with croquettes and wine is a natural defense mechanism against stress.
...And we have had stress in spades this last year.
Did you know that throughout 2020, 40% of Spaniards gained 5.7 kilos on average ? . 5.7 kilos! Spain has the doubtful, admirable, significant? honor of heading the list of European countries that have gained the most weight during the last year.
And that doesn't have to make us fear summer. It is the perfect excuse to accept once and for all our body as it is, just as we have wanted it during these last months, whole, round, satisfied, full.
Those extra pounds that torment you so much now that you rip off your Hawaiian shirt and barely fasten the last button on your Bermuda shorts are not yours. They belong to Spain, to Europe, to the entire world. They are pure pandemic democracy because, for once, we are all starting from the same place. Hug them.
To heaven with her!: the fofisano body, body positive or pandemic lorza returns
Magazines and influencers are full of “body conscious” or “body positive”… so why not really practice it?
Why not raise the flag of our excesses, our extra kilos and our happiness just as we have wanted to carry it during a horrible year. It is the summer in which the reign of the “fofisano” will finally become a reality.
This is not new. There was a time when photos of Leonardo di Caprio in full flesh caused a sensation on social media. The actor, in all his privilege, had allowed himself the luxury of letting himself go and leaving the gym, showing off a plump waist that exclaimed I could-drown-in-my-own-money-and-your-opinion- I-don't-give-a-damn for miles.
It was 2015 and the word fofisano earned a place in the popular vocabulary. It came to define those generous people; and whose body evoked that of a retired athlete who the weight of years and beers had turned into a normal human.
It is that intermediate point between the young and fresh body and the body of a mature man who goes to the gym so much but does not cut his teeth is what must be claimed today.
But really claim it, not as a removable trend. True Health and True Beauty reside in what is natural, in what is sincere, in what we share. And what we have shared this year is not enormous hours of crossfit and tyrannical diets where each calorie is counted with a precision scale.
We have shared something else. Some good moments, a few more pretty fucked up...
And we have shared eating well, eating very well, eating without thinking about what people will say because the important thing was to think about ourselves. So no shame, no complexes, no hiding. It is time to carry that body of sin without regard and without concealment.In the summer air, as it should be.
PS: being happy with yourself, today, is not at war with working at your next level, without stress. If you still have some spinning classes ahead of you, so you don't have to renew your swimsuits, our Sporture Gel It's sure to help you with the unintended consequences of last-minute sports binges. Avoid chafing.
We do cool right