Love in the times of Temptation Island

You can smell it. You can hear him knocking on your door... Valentine's Day is here. During these days, the world will be divided between: 

  • Those who buy chocolates and condoms in spurts, with the nerd meter on full blast and spitting out cotton candy when they talk.  
  • Those who would rather bite their hearts out than celebrate Valentine's Day, it doesn't matter if they spend it alone or with a larger audience than Lolita's wedding.

For us, it is the perfect excuse to talk about love... modern love

3 Questions about love that you and your father answer differently

And the context of love has changed a lot vs. the times of our grandparents

  • Relationships begin (and many end 💦) through a small screen ... 
  • Instagram has become an emotional showcase where everyone posts stories (and stories) with a filter and soundtrack of their churri… 
  • The Island of Temptations is the reality show and fashion laboratory that we all (in schools, bars and terraces) use to analyze love
Times change… and so does the way we understand love. Broadly speaking, there are 3 big questions that separate generations: 

  1. Are cuckolding the biggest possible fault in a relationship?  
  2. Do you have a fixed and stable type of people you like? 
  3. Do you feel represented by Temptation Island? 
Grab some popcorn and the commotion begins

1. Are cuckolding the biggest possible flaw in a relationship? 

They have sold us Temptation Island as the definitive test of love.  You only love, really, someone if you are able to lock yourself in a mansion full of people who are there to hit you like a drawer that doesn't close... and resist the temptation of the ñiqui ñiqui.

With a couple of gin and tonics, obviously, the sins and hedonistic mantras begin: 
“I have done what I felt at all times” 
“I have come to test myself”
“I needed to free myself” 

And then everything ends in a “bonfire” or soap opera that your mother would like at 4 in the afternoon, full of troglodyte comments and inconsolable cries for the sin committed.

But: is it really the #putworst thing to know where some people stick their tongues and where others hide them?  Let's see... we have all experienced horns more or less nearby.  

And although it is not a pleasant dunk, with time and a lot of learning you will overcome them. Pleasant it is not. The end of the world... neither. 

The new generations confirm it . There are many, many more serious things to cheat on or be cheated on: all those that go against mutual respect, trust, establishing shared routines, understanding what another person wants and needs... 

2. Do you have a set type of people you like?

Tell me if you are sensitive or drier than the stone of a lighter.
If you are a payoff or a goat.
If you were taught that men have to be 100% masculine.
Tell me what you are like... and I will tell you how they will judge you and what your 'book' complement is

But the new generations are clear: F#CK ROLES (and, above all, the pre-established ones)!

A,B,C,D,E, F*ck…. Opinions about guys without balls, slutty aunts who let their hair down, paint their faces, get lost in the night and burn themselves on the beach,….

Nowadays, wanting to look for a closed, superficial and inflexible list of conditions in your perfect match (or in yourself) has lost all meaning. This is not Infojobs. The new generations are guided to look for their partners by more subjective (and relevant) attributes such as common enjoyment... or that someone motivates them to get out of bed (and stay in it) every morning, whoever they are. whatever.

3. Do you feel represented by Temptation Island?

It is indisputable that Temptation Island is a pop phenomenon and infinite meme factory. It has given us hours of debate and even new ways of… 'declaring ourselves' 

And why is that?; For pure salsa and morbidity?

Well yes, but, above all, because we see ourselves (a bit) reflected in their dramas. We see uncomfortable situations in detail (control, jealousy, lies, gaslighting, manipulation, victimhood...) and it makes us think about how we would react in their place. 

Love in new times, therefore, is also about self-knowledge. To look at yourself before blaming and commenting on anyone's attitude. To clean your own house before criticizing your neighbor's. To love yourself before you can love someone. 

This is what 'modern' love is like in the times of Temptation Island

At this point in your life, I'm sure you've had to swallow horns, meet perfect profile photos that you were bored with live, have been in toxic relationships (or have been the toxic one for someone) and have learned something from it... 

Your heart may be full of patched wounds or broken into pieces.  And all of that may not be 'generational'; but a path of scars and growth that makes you, today, have an evolved concept of what they call love:  

  • Maybe now you'll put into perspective what seemed like a nightmare to you 10 years ago...  
  • Maybe now you stop looking for 'a single type of person' and are open to anyone as long as they fulfill what is important to you. 
  • Maybe now you're starting to put being happy first, as a prerequisite for opening up to someone. 
If this is your case, congratulations. Because you are full of raw material that is neither created nor destroyed; It only transforms: love, alive and well

❤️‍🔥 To love each other very much. ❤️‍🔥

PS: A lot of “love of my life” and a lot of “better half”, but above all a lot of self-love.  That's why today's article (and declaration of love) is sponsored by our Head Turner Gift Set .  Whether you have plans or not, with a face like the one these little gifts are going to leave you with, you're going to have a hard time not spending Valentine's Day (and the day after, and the day after, and the day after...) in good company. Be careful, it does not come with a bib included, we are not responsible for the open mouths that you may find in your path.

Head Turner Gift Set

Fantasy box containing Handsomefyer (all-in-1 cream with a good face effect!), Giggleberries (intimate cream with a calming and deodorant effect for down there) and Dragon Shot (anti-shine facial moisturizer for daily use). 

We do cool right!