Why do the Superpop tests freak you out?

Tell me what personality tests you fill out when #nobodyevents and I'll tell you who you are.

Which OT1 contestant are you? What Disney song sums up your sex life? What villain do you transform into when you get angry? Which Avengers character are you in bed? Pineapple pizza: yes or no? 21 questions to know if there is a 'feeling' with your 'match'. Are you the son of Julio Iglesias? Take this test and you will know.

It really doesn't matter what type of kibble you are or if you're more into Peaky Blinders than Sex and the City. If you are reading this post, what we definitely have in common is that you have also asked yourself at some point...

Why are personality tests our weakness? Is it for the pleasure of filling in mysterious gaps? Is it for the peace of mind of fitting into some boxes and not others? Or is it boredom in the purest hangover Sunday style?

What will be will be? What are personality tests useful for? 

#1. To give us a shot of nostalgia.

Whether you are from the eighties, nineties or two thousand, you cannot deny it: you have ever taken a test from a magazine. Superpop, Bravo and Cosmopolitan had more fans than the Círculo de Lectores.   

And every flesh-and-blood human being kept an eye on the tests from time to time. Of course, let's see who resisted finding out what your hidden weapons were to flirt in line at the disco or what polite tone to send to break the ice (what times 😅)   

Now, the guilty pleasures of your adolescence have become preferred clickbaits thanks to Buzzfeed tests or horoscope memes , but they give you the same solution.

#2. To give us mental x-rays (and straws)

There is no person who does not feel a certain pleasure reading about themselves and uncovering mysteries as if their life were Poli Deluxe itself .   

Filling in the boxes on personality tests “motivates” us to understand which ones we fit into and which ones we don't. It is a perfect excuse to explore ourselves and look for those little corners of our personality that we have not yet had the pleasure of knowing.   

It is not that they are going to validate our psychology degree, but it does give us a sliver of understanding, acceptance and a subtle ego boost that is very difficult to say no to.

#3. To seek easy validation.

Let's see, no one would be very happy if a personality test returned an answer like "congratulations, you're a weirdo."   

Fortunately or unfortunately, what it gives us is knowing that we fit into common ideals and grounds, that we belong to a social tribe where we feel safe, accompanied and at ease... and, ultimately, that life does not leave us empty.   

We are social animals and it is written in our DNA. That and no one likes to come out of solipandi reeds.

Conclusion: Hate & Love; the final test

🤬 Haters will say that magazine personality tests are not backed by 9 out of 10 scientists, like toothpaste.    

and?   We already know that.   

We know that we should not take everything so seriously, much less ourselves.  

We know that no one, not even Superpop, can tell you who you are based on a handful of questions.   

But to grow fond of our quirks and peculiarities, we first have to recognize them.  That's when we will begin to taste the stuff we are made of. The good and bad. The ugly and the sexy. The ordinary and the extraordinary.   

❤️‍🔥 The rest will come in due time: self-esteem, self-care and self-love in one tube.

PS: This week's post is sponsored by... 🎁 surprise, surprise 🎁   Our test that has more insight into your perfect match than the reviewer of your Tinder history!   

Don't you know which cream has your name and surname as if it were fate? In less than a minute, this test will match you with your cosmetic better half.   

One, two, three… let's take the test! 🤘