Spring Fever Survival Guide

SPRING has arrived.

The trumpeter, flower-power and allergies as penances. When the calendar marks March 21, some set a countdown until the next Pumpkin Spice Latte, others open their shirts up to their navel like a good pijipi, and many simply drop layers as if nothing had happened.

You either love it or hate it, but you never escape its scents and floral prints. 

Just as death to spring is not the same as death to spring, today we march a new batch of... 


#1. The “halftime” or the impossible combinations of your personal fashion week

Halftime is a more complicated concept than La Rosalía's last album. It inspires (half-season) suits, trench coats and, in general, combinations such as flip-flops with a fat sweater 'in case it gets cold' as your mother would say.  

Being cold in the shade and hot in the sun inspires your most daring looks: short sleeves, sweatshirt, jacket and you'll start taking off clothes if it's hot...  

Today, time to sunbathe and look for where you kept your swimsuits. Tomorrow, a downpour that soaks into your dignity. Every day, a new mystery, a new aesthetic adventure. 

#2. Before summer loves, spring rolls.

They also say that spring alters the blood. Never underestimate the wisdom of a popular saying , because this is 100% true.

It increases serotonin, oxytocin, dopamine and bilirubin and the hormones have you like a kawasaki 24/7. In the end, what seemed like a here I catch you here I kill you becomes an intense and fleeting infatuation.

#3. The pollen all the way up (and the twerking all the way down).

You change colds for constant sneezing. You will spend 3 months with your eyes and nose as if your first love had just left you. And if one day you get lost, you might as well drink a beer that feels like your first bottle at the town fair, be careful.  

If you are one of those who looks for the bright side in everything, even killer allergies, you can always take it as if you were rehearsing for your big moment of glory as the star of the docuseries drama of your life that you are. It's for you, Pedro.

#4. Possessed by the rataganga rhythm

Is the floral print mandatory every spring? Haven't we already outgrown the Flower Power Vibes that come close to this 👌 Mr. Wonderful mugs?  

If a week ago your personality was that of a white walker and today you feel more like Austin Powers, your diagnosis is clear: you suffer from millennial hippy syndrome. You can get out of jail, but changing your personality with each season... maybe not.

#5. The streets-for-you.

Who doesn't get in the mood when night falls and it's still day? The more hours of light, the better the mood.  

It happens to us... and to the hordes of tourists who arrive like a wave worse than that of tiger mosquitoes in summer. It is more difficult to find a free place on a terrace than to find a place during a pandemic .

#6. EXTRA: Spring also changes the skin.

And speaking of faces...  

A change of season almost always calls for a change of creams and skin care .  

The basics: good cleansing , light moisturizers and that we do not lack sun protection .

In short: unpopular opinions - we are spring #total

For us, who are more into Frozen than Summer Blue and the heat of August brings us down the street of bitterness, spring is the summer we secretly dream of. We wouldn't mind if they extended it a little longer (spring, don't get confused).  

You know what they say: for tastes, unpopular opinions
It was not that?

PS: there is a remedy that can never be missing to welcome spring with a good face. And this goes for hotties and hotties, no one is spared.  

For this reason, today's post is sponsored by Handsomefyer , our all-in-one cream to leave the spring pimples stored in the winter sock drawer, protect you from the hottest sun and go out in neck-breaker mode.

29.95 €

All-in-1 creampie with effect, what a good face you look!  
 Removes shine, hides pores, softens wrinkles, hydrates, evens skin tone and with sunscreen.