The 5 books you would give with double (or triple) meaning and yes, I said five

Today is Book Day, Sant Jordi, and from here we want to make a post for the sake of culture. Because there is no better gift than a book. The face of uncertainty unwrapping the package, thinking about what it contains, seeing how they feel it, wondering what it will be like, mentally calculating the dimensions while thinking that they won't be able to handle it or that they will devour it any afternoon or night. His surprised face when he had it in front of his eyes just by reading the title. Nothing like a good... book.

Furthermore, it is not only the gift but the possibilities that books have to transmit messages and yes, to say what you do not dare to say on your own. If you are one of those, here are 5 recommendations with double and triple meanings, with their associated remote-controlled objectives.

1. The art of listening, Erich Fromm

A perfect classic to give to your brother-in-law who only knows how to shout at family gatherings. The one who knows everything and his argument is that he reads it on Facebook. Surely when he sees the book he will tell you that he has already read it and it will end up in a drawer with the other hundred that he never got past the first page.

It is also a good gift for that friend who only knows how to talk about himself or who in all the conversations in which you want to tell him something says "I'm done and now you tell me." And he talks non-stop round after round and you just hope that after all that nonsense, at least he pays for it.

It is likely that neither one nor the other will read it, but at least the message is already sent that in the end, it was the only thing that interested us.

2. Call me by your name, André Aciman

Who hasn't had fantasies about family friends or people with whom they 'shouldn't' because they are from the same job, portal, class teacher, or religious congregation... and hasn't really known how to manage it. This book is the origin of a movie that had a lot of hype and that tells the story of a boy who is left hanging by a friend of his father, a smart boy considering how his friend was doing.

If you have a crush to whom you don't dare tell what you feel and you want to send a subtle message... or not so subtle..., this is the perfect book for you.

Furthermore, two things can happen: that he doesn't like the idea at all, for which you have the excuse that it is a book that has received a lot of awards and had been recommended to you without reading what it was about, or, that he likes the idea. and then... there won't be a hedge that you won't get your hands on after reading it.

3. Paquita Salas. Survivor: My Memoirs

Based on the Netflix series Paquita Salas, it is equal parts tenderness and humor. Paquita is a television icon who has published her long-awaited memoirs. Paquita's book is perfect to give to two types of people, your boss and any crazy friend.

To the first so that they understand that you can be a leader and smile from time to time and to the second so that they are clear that, despite playing along, you have known for a long time that their life is an Instagram filter.

3. The Kamasutra (and any of its variants)

Tired of spending hours in front of the TV with your partner and not getting a single soda? It's time to liven up the calico.

Perfect to give as a gift to your partner or your favorite friend and get out of the monotony. It's a good way to say, “Honey, I'm sorry, but I'm bored with sex with you or I need to explore new horizons” and no, we're not talking about the G-spot.

It is also perfect to give as a gift to your future child, although in this case we recommend that you read the book first. The message will remain clear, “prepare for the day it catches you because Cuenca is nothing compared to what I am going to make you see”. From here, we highly recommend that you warm up and stretch beforehand.

Of course, in the case of the Kamasutra, give it along with our post-shave and pre-twerking cream, Giggleberries , to make sure you get the hint right away. Roses are overrated, don't let the rose bush smell good to you.

4. Books for Dummies

Right off the bat, any book within the “Dummies” is perfect to give as a gift to co-workers or friends. You come to tell them, here, let them explain it to you in basic terms because I have run out of colored chalk and if not, it will be difficult for you to understand it.

From learning a language, sales, philosophy... to the stock market. The best thing is that you choose the one that best fits, for example, suppose you have a friend who understands a topic and you know that he has no idea. Well, a book about politics or football.

And to complete the perfect kit, along with the book you choose, it includes our Handsomefyer cream. Because let's not fool ourselves, there is a lot of posture in reading and, since you are going to upload a photo with the book, at least it catches you with a good face. 😜


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