Cleaners: give wax, polish wax... 🐱‍👤

Today it's the turn of facial cleansers and all their associated doubts: Is there a 'chard' soap that works the same for my head, body and what's hanging on me? How is the tablet different? What did my grandmother do in the frying pan of a posh pharmacy cleaner? Is it true that cleaners are toxic and cursed chemicals of capitalism... created to leave me sterile?

Let's go for it all, slowly and without pain... A clean face is worth more than 1,000 nudes, it attracts cosmic luck and scares away the envious.

Cleansers are meant to clean... and if they clean too much... they dry out and irritate

The main function of a cleanser is to remove oil, bacteria, sweat, dirt and flaky skin that accumulates on your face.

But a cleanser (for now) is not intelligent and does not distinguish between all the 'bad' things above and the 'good' things that you would like to keep on your face (proteins, lipids, the smile after gayola...) The so-called face effect lizard or elephant sandpaper means that the cleaner has done its job... TOO WELL and has gone too far removing things.

So... do all cleansers irritate the same?

Well no. Until World War II there were only grandma's 'traditional' soaps made from animal fats or vegetable oils... which severely irritated the skin.

Since soap was scarce during the war, they had to invent something and syndets (syndet = SYNthetic DETergent) appeared straight from the laboratory. Ah! A clarification: syndet just means synthetic; That is, it comes from a laboratory... and we love science 👨‍🔬... science is your friend. Science works.

With Syndet, cleaners appeared for different uses and with different 'irritation potentials':

1. Los ‘Heavies’ (they are called anionic – which reminds me of 'anus'... because they can feel like your ass if you abuse them)

  • Cheap, they make MAZO foam and clean MAZO... meaning they can IRRITATE MAZO

  • In this group are the SLS (this one being the most dry) and the SLE. Maybe you've heard of them because they get a lot of hate like “NO TO SULPHATES!!!!!” Well... it's not 'that big of a deal'. Like everything, in its right doses; They are safe, effective, legally authorized by health institutions and perform their function better than any other. Very like it if they are used well and put into a formula.

2. The ‘SuaveSitos’ (they are called - non-ionic)

  • Expensive, they make almost no foam and the ones that irritate the LEAST

  • They are often used to clean the skin of babies.

3. The 'move hunters' (or cationic, because it leaves microbes 'catatonic')

  • They don't wash very well... but they are great at killing microorganisms and bacteria.

4. The 'ni fu ni fá' (the amphoteric)

  • They foam... but not much, they clean... but not thoroughly, they irritate... somewhat, antibacterial... halfway. Come on; who get a pass in everything, but not a grade in any subject.

And the fact is that by mixing all of the above... you can get super hardcore cleaners like for cleaning trucks 🚚 or so soft that you would put them on a newborn 🐣.

Hey... but apart from that fact, I've heard that cleansers have too many harmful, unpronounceable ingredients added to them that are bad for the skin. Does that also annoy and irritate?

Mmmm… if it is made with love, NO.

As a summary and summary, to make a formula for a cleaner you only include 4 “things”:

  • Water (not 100% necessary in solid cleaners, for example)

  • The detergent (it is called surfactant or surfactant), and we have already seen that it is what eliminates dirt and irritates.

  • Things that don't clean but give 'sensation and taste': thickeners to make the product more or less liquid, dyes to give color, perfumes to make it smell rich rich rich (some perfumes, depending on the person, can cause allergies...) Foam falls into this category. The foam is NOT what cleans (like…?). We just destroyed a myth, sorry.

  • Moves to 'compensate' the part that irritates. Oils, aloe, ceramides, glycerin... things that hydrate and renew your skin's natural protective barrier.

In conclusion, the things they add to cleaners (unless you're a motherfucking troll) are, in general, to give more taste and to 'compensate' for the cleaning effect... not to annoy.

So, let's see, in summary... is soap from my hands or from the shower on my face worth it?

NObecause the face and body have

  1. more amount of cleaner,

  2. They use more 'heavies' cleaners,

  3. They use fewer 'compensating' ingredients

…than the ones you find in a cleanser formulated for the boss

Is it true that the synthetics you're talking about... come from petroleum and kill Nemo 🐠 and the natural soap that my aunt makes with herbs in the bathtub is the only alternative?

No. 70 years ago natural soap left your skin to grate cheese and most synthetic soaps were derived from petroleum.

Nowadays, synthetic soaps (the cool ones) are made with natural, sustainable and eco-certified ingredients and natural soaps do not spoil your face because they overcompensate for dryness with delicious things (don't get carried away by sensationalist headlines). In the end, like everything in this life, there are SHIT products, and MILK products and little or nothing of that has to do with whether the cleaner was formulated in a laboratory or in an urban garden.

In conclusion, when it comes to your face

  • Better something specific designed for the face

  • That cleans without drying

  • May it please you and your skin

  • If to sell you benefits they talk (only) about natural ingredients and don't add words like PH, irritation or surfactant... raise an eyebrow 🤨 and keep asking.

Ah! You know, commercial wedge, our Splash Foam Party that meets everything you could ask for in a face cleanser!

  • Plant-based synthetic surfactant, ecocert

  • Combine moisturizing ingredients such as bamboo, aloe vera or Mediterranean fruit extracts

  • Green foam with apple smell so that you enjoy it and repeat it every day



We do cool right