Do you feel old?... Better! 💪🏽 Let's bury ageism once and for all

Do you remember Friends ?
Who doesn't, you say.    

The series triumphed in the 90s, reflecting the concerns of a generation. From a generation of young people. In one of the episodes of the seventh season, they reviewed all of their thirtieth (30th) birthdays... And everyone wore it... VERY badly.

The message was clear: becoming an adult and crossing the threshold of youth was saying goodbye to the time when you were cool. The best years of your life were behind you.

Being 'young' is a fairly recent social invention

Being “old” was not a “problem” until modern societies decided to invent “youth.” 

Because yes, it is an invention from the mid-20th century, when all the cool attributes (beauty, charisma, art, fashion, groundbreaking ideas,...) became the exclusive heritage of young people.   

  • Are you under 30? Say hello to #putomolar... just because  
  • Are you over 30? you should have a gray jacket, an office, 2.1 children and a repetitive life   
  • Are you over 50? ... then things get even more serious: it is almost impossible for you to find a job or you are directly discriminated against (this is said by the WHO , not us).

As if from a certain age, you start subtracting points from how much you are worth, every year. As if from a certain age you have to constantly fight to appear younger than your age.

The worst enemy of birthdays? Maybe yourself

Becoming “older” is frowned upon on TV, in movies, in series… to the point that we have come to believe it ourselves:   When you were a teenager… you looked down on “the older ones,” because what you observed around you was that being “young” was cool. I noticed that your own parents said something like 'oh, if only I knew your age...' as if it were something positive. 

Suddenly, one day, you saw a budding crow's foot... or a gray hair... or a GenZ recording a TikTok... or they called you 'Sir!' on the street... and you began, subtly, to become what you were afraid of. you separated   And, let's be honest; You, with yourself, can be the cruelest of all... and without realizing it. The micro-sabotage that we can do to ourselves in front of the mirror, daily and with our guard down... is one of the most difficult to identify.      

Ageism , then, is not just a social scourge more like machismo or racism... but an indirect (learned) way of not loving yourself. We don't go through there.

Fight for your right (to be old)

What can we do against this, so assimilated by everyone unconsciously? Well, it's a little more mental than physical work. We give you 3 mantras to repeat to yourself in the morning in the bathroom:   

  1. You are a kinder egg, macerating 🥚🧸   
    The good, including the attractiveness, you carry inside. If you met your self from 10 years ago on the street... you would see what a child you were and appreciate what the scars and the path have taught you in this new, improved version of you.    

  2. It's never too late to decide to be young   
    Wear whatever you want, grab a backpack to go on a trip…. or take it all very calmly. You are ALWAYS on time for everything and it is (always) more worthwhile to do things that you enjoy than to meet the expectations that others have of you.   

  3. Invest in the most valuable currency; no, it's not bitcoins or NFTs... but in you   
    The greatest celebration you can do of yourself (body and mind) is self-care. Loving you, pampering you and making love to you, at least, weekly (not a bad handjob but... When was the last time you had it with you?). 

Your maturity, wrinkles included, positive and at its best

For all this, we reject the idea of ​​being “less” when we get older… We are much more!

We don't like terms that include ANTI (anti-aging, anti-pimples,...). Although it is true that sometimes they "force" us to use them to please Google or to be understood 😅

But in reality we want to promote the use and words like PRO-, MULTI-, EXTRA- apply to us, much more. Always adding and never subtracting.  And with each passing year, we will continue to level up and become better versions of ourselves; happier and cooler. 

Because you can be as young as you choose; proudly showing off wrinkles and gray hair... or taking care of your image because you don't change; your tastes and the care you give yourself change. 

Because just as you begin to value a hangover-free Sunday or sleeping 9 hours straight, you celebrate more; YOU CELEBRATE YOURSELF in other ways. And all that and at every moment, without denying the cool things we experience as we mature. 

P.s: you already know that we have a pro-aging cream: WOWYOUNG

If you were planning to get it out of fear of the passage of time or the need to satisfy other people's expectations... better give it a thought beforehand. 

If you catch it for self-care, investment in yourself, fun and cancaneo... ALL IN


Pro-aging night cremigel with retinol. Minimizes wrinkles, expression lines and fights acne.

We do cool right!