The revival of your life: 33 things that only those of us who grew up in the 90s understand


Do you know what is the definitive proof that, NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU TRY TO HIDE IT , you are a total scoundrel, a gentleman, something of a bohemian and… come on, a nineties millennial?

That the revivals of movies, series, video games... that marked your childhood are catching you. If you blink, until next summer you can swallow the rerun of the Grand Prix !

That's why today, we have decided to embark on a nostalgic trip, Back To The Future as a textbook (but in reverse), collecting those things that marked (and boy did they mark) our childhood:

33 things that only those of us who grew up in the 90s understand (and if I don't remember... it didn't happen) 🔞

1. Jesulín had a tiger called Currupipi and your mother wouldn't let you adopt even a silkworm.

2. If I say dog, jam and Ricky Martin... you know what I'm talking about 😏

3. You would rather eat accompanied by The Simpsons than with your real family.

4. You killed a tamagotchi to see what would happen

5. You put your parental instinct into hibernation after living with a Furby who wouldn't shut up.

6. Do you think that Cobi, Curro, Naranjito... were mascots with less international impact than they deserved. 

7. You erased from your mind - to avoid trauma - THAT chapter of Pingu, that one of Marco or that one of Doraemon.

8. You don't know how to explain why Mucha Marcha... presented by Leticia Sabater (WTF?) caught your attention.

9. You could sing from start to finish all the lyrics to Disney songs and the Fresh Prince of Bel Air rap. 

10. You knew the catalog and schedules of all the Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network or Fox Kids series (and if not, the teletext would tell you about it). /b>).

11. From Monday to Friday you wondered why your recess wasn't like in The Playground Band

12. The Galician drug traffickers had nothing to envy of the traffic that was set up with tazos at recess.

13. You were hesitating about an outfit… but not about Rolex, your best watch was this one and you know it. 

14. You debated with your colleagues which Grand Prix or Yellow Humor test you would win : the crazy logs, the penguins, the hot potato...?

15. Neither Ibai nor Pedroche, your go-to for the Campanadas has always been and will be Ramonchu and Ana Obregón.

16. You picked up with a “Hello, I'm Edu”, and your colleague answered “Merry Christmas”

17. You discovered your inner Super Geek playing Super Mario on the Ness

18. And you leveled up with the Game Boy

19. You were neither left nor right, you were from Pokemon or Digimon

20. There was no Sálvame on TV but there were Mamachicho, Noche de Fiesta and el Mississippi

21. You learned biology thanks to Life is Like This. The red blood cells look like an old man with a beard… because I say so!

22. And who wanted to read the Bible in catechesis if you could watch Neon Genesis Evangelion?

23. Neither 'La Macarena' nor ' Sararinay ' , you just took off the prohibited steps by doing the Kamehameha inside the pool .

24. You had your first erection with Britney, Spice or the Backstreet Boys...

25. You smoked (even if they were just chocolate cigarettes) to act cool.

26. You left behind the concoction of Art Attack first, and TANG later, to start mixing water with mystery .

27. Your Spotify playlists? No comparison with the great songs from the Caribe Mix on the discman

28. You felt palpitations unknown to you watching 'Baywatch' ... you will look wherever you look. 

29. Your first heartbreak was declared a national drama: Kimi and Valle.

30. You had your first sexting in Terra's chat

31. Although your first palotes… they still looked like that.

32. Time passed, and where now you say “ ok boomer ”, before you said what are you doing bitterkas, nasti de plasti, efectiviwonder…

33. And since stretching the gum made more sense when I was a kilometer Boomer...

Well, we could continue stretching this list to infinity and beyond, because it will be due to nostalgia, references or little things that we have left in the trunk of memories... But for now we have to cut here. Maybe we come in another 33 years to mark the renewed... and elongated version. 😏

Until then... thanks for the memories and to continue adding years/points of experience to look back with pride (even if only for the LOLs) .

PS: And if after reviewing this list and counting how many years have passed, you decide to see if you can see the millennial in your face...

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