Proud Tag Dictionary

This month the LGBTIQ+ acronyms are going to resonate like a batucada.  And every day, 

The word diversity is more diverse and encompasses more labels than a supermarket: cisheteronormative, non-binary, genderfluid, biphobia, queer... to the point that, with so many labels, the normal thing is to get into a mess of don't move.

That's why today, so that you don't look like you're sucking lemons when you hear a new term... we're going to give you a 'simple' review (without intending to be exhaustive, without wanting to offend anyone), of proud and unfiltered labels. .

Proud Labels Dictionary - beyond LGBTIQ+

The basic 'lego' pieces:

  • Biological sex/assigned at birth. What the doctor tells your mother you are when you are born according to your genitals, hormones, genes...  
  • Gender. What society/culture/history expects of us for having been born with a penis or vagina ('male' vs. 'female').  
For a long time it was assumed sex = gender (man = masculine; woman = feminine), but nanai.  We are going to talk about sexual identity, on the one hand, and gender identity, on the other.  Let's double click:

Basics of the rainbow of sexual identity or orientation:

Depending on your biological sex and who you feel emotional, romantic or sexual attraction to, we find people: 

  • Heterosexuals. Who feels exclusively attracted to people of the opposite sex. 

  • Homosexuals. Who feel exclusively attracted to people of the same sex (gays, lesbians, faggots, dykes,...) 
    • Homophobia and lesbophobia. Any form of discrimination (conscious or unconscious) towards homosexual people 
    • Internalized homophobia. The rejection or non-acceptance of one's own homosexuality or some part or expression of it (conscious or unconscious). 

  • Bisexual. Who is attracted to people, regardless of their sex. 
    • Biphobia. Discrimination against bisexual people. 

  • Asexuals. That he doesn't feel any attraction. 

Another batch of basics, but now from the melting pot of gender identities

Depending on your expression (how you behave vs. what society expects of you) or gender identity (how you identify) (remember; what is considered 'masculine' or 'feminine') we find people: 

  • Cisgender, people whose gender identity and sex assigned at birth match (e.g. the doctor said I was born a boy and I identify with a 'male' role)
    • Cisheteronormativity. everything that implies considering heterosexuality and cisgender people as “normal” (versus “not normal”). 
    • Toxic masculinities. The different ways in which our society/culture has established how a man should be throughout history... and that have a negative impact on society or on the person themselves. Luckily, this is evolving .

  • Trans, people whose gender identity or expression does not match the biological sex assigned to them at birth 
    •  Transphobia. Any form of discrimination towards trans people.   

  • Non-binary, all those that do not identify exclusively with a single gender. 
    •  Agender. Who does not identify with either of the two binary genders. Neither madam nor sir. 
    • Fluid gender. That your gender identity changes by moments and stages. 
    • Biggender. That feels within the two binary genders (part feminine and part masculine). 
    • Trigender... that feels part feminine, part masculine and also of a third gender (which can be a neutral gender or a mixture of the three). 
    • Pangender. That identifies with everyone at the same time. 
    • Genderqueer or non-conforming. Who does not want to identify with binary gender labels.

And... everything that does not fit into the LGBTIQ+ acronym : polysexuality, demisexuality, sapiosexuality... And the ones we have left. Because with an increasingly flexible and visible diversity , this dictionary could not put its end here.


Yes, labels are a mess.

There are those who avoid them like water and oil and feel freer without them.  

There are those who need them to feel pride of belonging, foundations or floats to hold on to while learning to swim in the sea of ​​self-knowledge.

Whatever your opinion, tags have their function:

  • Because what is not named does not exist, and we have not gotten here by hiding realities that finally have names and surnames. 
  • Because “only” they are a way to find common and safe territories, shared experiences and a community that welcomes you with open arms. 
Maybe in the future we can leave the labels for the supermarket because we don't need them anymore. But until then, we will continue to come out of the closet and celebrate every new reality that before we could not or did not know how to name. 

PS: This week's post is sponsored...  For nothing more and nothing less than our favorite labels. The ones that remain engraved on your skin, with fire, because they shout from the rooftops “faggot”, “whore verbenero”, “pibonéxico”… Literally.

Until July 10, our stickers with LGBT illustrations are back, free, on all purchases over €29.95 (until we run out again). To show off on your skin what you want them to say to your face.

We do cool right,