The 7 aesthetic fears of men

Today, on the eve of the Great Horror Festival, Halloween, we are honest and share those aesthetic fears that every man has in his head. Monsters that torment us at every corner and make our legs and potatoes tremble.

Halloween is scary

What is Halloween about?   Well, scary.

It's not just a party full of fun and golf. It's not all 🎃 decorated pumpkins, sexy/sepsis costumes, candy (childish or... not) and the trick/treat ritual going around the neighborhood (physically or digitally with a tinderazo well into the night).

Underneath all that (dark) sugar and zombie costumes is a true mission statement: for one night, we laugh in the face of everything that terrifies us. And that is why today seems like a wonderful date to list the most aesthetic fears that go through us as men and to share out loud what terrifies us in silence. An authentic exercise in research, journalism and compilation of surveys from Quore, Twitter and those we have invented. Let's see how many of the following list you share:

Top 7 most aesthetic fears of men


When we run our hand over our heads and we are left with hair between our fingers, we believe that our destiny will be more like that of Juan Cuesta or the bad guy from Austin Powers than that of The Rock or Vin Diesel.   

And there is no greater fear for every man or economic activity that contributes more to Turkey 's GDP. Even dreaming that you are going bald is a sign that you are feeling down and a little down.

2. Tummy that no longer comes off


It is not strictly gaining weight... that too, but that slow process by which your healthy body that could eat whatever it wanted begins to develop perennial weakness in strategic places: love handles below the abdomen, lorcillas that hijack the waist, before- bowed arm... multifaceted terror in all its splendor.


Or have hairy ears.   

We also use the vines that grow in the nostrils, the plush eardrum or the isolated bushes of hair that begin to grow in areas where there was nothing years ago.   It is rumored that the next documentary that Gloria Serra is preparing is called: swimmers who shave their hair like Ken; Fashion to earn thousandths in the municipal pool? or covert marketing campaign of No+Vello franchises?


“Gray hair makes mature men sexy”   

We agree... but the trip... is a pain. First you see a thin white line between your Samson mane. Then they multiply... 

Then you get your first gray hair... on your body...? ...on the chest?

The final milestone: your first gray hair on your balls. 😱 Melanin does not deceive and is democratic... we all run out of it.


Crow's feet are its mainstay but those two indentations around the mustache or the permanently frowned brow also sneak in.   

As we know, there are many ways to deal with and alleviate these terrors (and accepting them is the healthiest of them ).


Nor get involved. Because we already know that we are very involved in being a macho and in sex we have been taught to be corrida-centric.   

The trigger is one of the things that we all understand to be the most normal in life (due to stress, mental movements, just because...) but the day it happens to ourselves... it's completely over the top. 


Fear of ridicule. To break unwritten rules. To stand out too much and not be discreet. That you don't fit in or your appearance doesn't fit. To appear insecure.   

To feel insecure...   To be insecure.  

Laughing in the face of fear 

All these fears... and many more that we surely forget... are summarized in one: fear of being vulnerable. To be 'less' by moving away from what we believe is "good."   

About what they have told us and what we have told ourselves that is “good.” Because sometimes, we have told ourselves the heaviest horror movie ever seen and we have imprisoned ourselves a little in it.   

Therefore, at least for tonight, it is also “okay” that we open ourselves to a world without complexes; without self-complexes. And dress up as a gloomy clown, and hook up with a crazy vampire... and play; exaggerate and attract attention… embracing your fears (even if it terrifies us).

PS: this week's post is sponsored by our WOWYOUNG anti-fear cream. It doesn't delay time or restore your hair... but it means you can enjoy one more year of Halloween looking the same in the photos as you did in the previous 10.


Pro-aging gel with pure Retinol 0.3. Minimizes wrinkles, expression lines and fights acne.

We do cool right!