Skincare Tutorial for Lads [GAMER MODE: ON] 

Noob, amateur, pro… Whatever your skincare level is, this post will guide you step by step to level up from "alright mate" to "absolute legend". Grab your controller and press start, because we’re kicking off in 3, 2, 1… 


Your skin picks up all kinds of dirt, pollution, and dust (not the fun kind) throughout the day, leaving your face looking like a game of Tetris made out of grime. 

To pass the first level of the skincare game, remember Mr. Miyagi’s lesson: "wax on, wax off." Translation for non-geeks: wash your face in the morning and at night. Not only will your skin be cleaner than a new plate at Nando's, but you’ll also keep oil, shine, and even the final boss of spots and blackheads under control. 

Ditch the basic supermarket soap, the shower gel you use for everything, or God forbid, the washing-up liquid (which dries out your skin faster than a lizard in the desert). You’re not a dishwasher, mate! Get yourself a proper face cleanser that gets rid of the dirt, hydrates, and refreshes you like a foam party in Ibiza. 

Just like our Splash Foam Party. Convenient, eh? 


Don’t go sticking your head under the tap just yet. The next challenge is… daily hydration. 

Hydrating your skin is basically like giving your face a drink of water (like when you water that plant your mum gave you, and hopefully not kill it this time). It keeps your skin smooth, flexible, and wrinkle-free. In short, when you hydrate, good stuff starts happening. Why do you think water Pokémon are the best, huh? 

Ready to move up to the normal level in the skincare game? Get yourself a solid moisturiser (a lightweight one for everyday use that doesn’t leave you shiny… like this one) and use it daily. 


Here’s where things get tricky, like a "choose your own adventure" game. There's no one-size-fits-all in skincare, it’s more about what you like or need.

Shall we do a quick run-through of the most common skincare needs for lads? Buckle up, ‘cause this ride’s got more curves than a round of Mario Kart. 

  • Exfoliation: Helps scrub off dead skin cells that are sticking around like uninvited guests at an after-party. It speeds up cell regeneration and fights spots, pores as open as Greggs on a Monday morning, uneven skin tone, and fine lines… leaving you with that "I could eat you up" look. An exfoliator that does all that and is as addictive as Candy Crush? Coffee Crush, coming right up! 
  • Dark circles, bags, crow's feet: If looks could kill, some would say "Game Over". The skin around your eyes is thinner and more delicate than the rest of your face, which is why there are specific creams to "pamper" that area. If you want a gaze that bulldozes everything in its path like a police car in GTA, then check out our Banzeye! 
  • Wrinkles and signs of ageing: It’s a natural part of levelling up every year, so forget those "anti-ageing" tricks like Benjamin Button. Better to grab a cream with ingredients that actually minimise signs of ageing and work for your skin like the star power-up in Mario. And if you fancy racking up some experience points while you’re at it, go for our Wow Young. 
  • For when you need to hit pause on life: A face mask like our Heroe’s Recharging Mask will recharge your batteries after a rough day or a killer hangover. In 20 minutes, you’ll feel like you’ve just picked up an extra life. 
  • A cream with all the combos: If you’re looking for a cream with more combos than Tekken, try our Handsomefyer: gets rid of shine, shrinks pores, smooths wrinkles, hydrates, evens skin tone, and has sunscreen… A true Final Fantasy of skincare. 


We don’t know anyone who’s completed the game 100% (not even the guy writing this). The final boss of this level is none other than sunscreen. 

Yeah, I know, the sun makes you look like a bronzed god, gives you vitamins, feels great… but it also beams down some seriously nasty stuff on your skin if you’re not careful. And don’t worry, getting a tan and protecting your skin is NOT a mission impossible. To keep those nasty rays at bay, slap on sunscreen every single day, no shortcuts. 

With an all-in-one cream like our Handsomefyer Sun that not only gets your face summer-ready but also packs SPF 50 to keep you attracting looks instead of burns… you won’t even want to cheat.


If there’s one thing to take away from this post, it’s this: looking after yourself shouldn’t be all about boring routines and rules. 

At Siwon, we believe skincare should be a good laugh, no matter how you do it: a relaxing bath with bubbles, a face mask that makes you feel like you’ve time-travelled back to your youth, or a bit of self-love (yeah, you know what I mean). 

We’re here to take care of ourselves, sure, but we’re here to have fun while we do it. Otherwise, what’s the point? 

PS: If you’re still not sure where to start, still searching for your legendary skincare Pokémon, or collecting demo pots of every cream like you’re on Supermarket Sweep, maybe you just need a little extra help… 

Take this test and in less than a minute, we’ll match you up with the skincare goodies you need to smash the skincare game in easy mode. 


Ready, set, go… Now go wreck the game!


We do cool right!


Skincare Tutorial for Lads [GAMER MODE: ON] 

Noob, amateur, pro… Whatever your skincare level is, this post will guide you step by step to level up from "alright mate" to "absolute legend". Grab your controller and press start, because we’re kicking off in 3, 2, 1… 


Your skin picks up all kinds of dirt, pollution, and dust (not the fun kind) throughout the day, leaving your face looking like a game of Tetris made out of grime. 

To pass the first level of the skincare game, remember Mr. Miyagi’s lesson: "wax on, wax off." Translation for non-geeks: wash your face in the morning and at night. Not only will your skin be cleaner than a new plate at Nando's, but you’ll also keep oil, shine, and even the final boss of spots and blackheads under control. 

Ditch the basic supermarket soap, the shower gel you use for everything, or God forbid, the washing-up liquid (which dries out your skin faster than a lizard in the desert). You’re not a dishwasher, mate! Get yourself a proper face cleanser that gets rid of the dirt, hydrates, and refreshes you like a foam party in Ibiza. 

Just like our Splash Foam Party. Convenient, eh? 



Don’t go sticking your head under the tap just yet. The next challenge is… daily hydration. 

Hydrating your skin is basically like giving your face a drink of water (like when you water that plant your mum gave you, and hopefully not kill it this time). It keeps your skin smooth, flexible, and wrinkle-free. In short, when you hydrate, good stuff starts happening. Why do you think water Pokémon are the best, huh? 

Ready to move up to the normal level in the skincare game? Get yourself a solid moisturiser (a lightweight one for everyday use that doesn’t leave you shiny… like this one) and use it daily.



Here’s where things get tricky, like a "choose your own adventure" game. There's no one-size-fits-all in skincare, it’s more about what you like or need.

Shall we do a quick run-through of the most common skincare needs for lads? Buckle up, ‘cause this ride’s got more curves than a round of Mario Kart. 


  • Exfoliation: Helps scrub off dead skin cells that are sticking around like uninvited guests at an after-party. It speeds up cell regeneration and fights spots, pores as open as Greggs on a Monday morning, uneven skin tone, and fine lines… leaving you with that "I could eat you up" look. An exfoliator that does all that and is as addictive as Candy Crush? Coffee Crush, coming right up! 
  • Dark circles, bags, crow's feet: If looks could kill, some would say "Game Over". The skin around your eyes is thinner and more delicate than the rest of your face, which is why there are specific creams to "pamper" that area. If you want a gaze that bulldozes everything in its path like a police car in GTA, then check out our Banzeye! 
  • Wrinkles and signs of ageing: It’s a natural part of levelling up every year, so forget those "anti-ageing" tricks like Benjamin Button. Better to grab a cream with ingredients that actually minimise signs of ageing and work for your skin like the star power-up in Mario. And if you fancy racking up some experience points while you’re at it, go for our Wow Young. 
  • For when you need to hit pause on life: A face mask like our Heroe’s Recharging Mask will recharge your batteries after a rough day or a killer hangover. In 20 minutes, you’ll feel like you’ve just picked up an extra life. 
  • A cream with all the combos: If you’re looking for a cream with more combos than Tekken, try our Handsomefyer: gets rid of shine, shrinks pores, smooths wrinkles, hydrates, evens skin tone, and has sunscreen… A true Final Fantasy of skincare. 


We don’t know anyone who’s completed the game 100% (not even the guy writing this). The final boss of this level is none other than sunscreen. 

Yeah, I know, the sun makes you look like a bronzed god, gives you vitamins, feels great… but it also beams down some seriously nasty stuff on your skin if you’re not careful. And don’t worry, getting a tan and protecting your skin is NOT a mission impossible. To keep those nasty rays at bay, slap on sunscreen every single day, no shortcuts. 

With an all-in-one cream like our Handsomefyer Sun that not only gets your face summer-ready but also packs SPF 50 to keep you attracting looks instead of burns… you won’t even want to cheat. 



If there’s one thing to take away from this post, it’s this: looking after yourself shouldn’t be all about boring routines and rules. 

At Siwon, we believe skincare should be a good laugh, no matter how you do it: a relaxing bath with bubbles, a face mask that makes you feel like you’ve time-travelled back to your youth, or a bit of self-love (yeah, you know what I mean). We’re here to take care of ourselves, sure, but we’re here to have fun while we do it. Otherwise, what’s the point? 


P.S: If you’re still not sure where to start, still searching for your legendary skincare Pokémon, or collecting demo pots of every cream like you’re on Supermarket Sweep, maybe you just need a little extra help...

Take this test and in less than a minute, we’ll match you up with the skincare goodies you need to smash the skincare game in easy mode.



Ready, set, go… Now go wreck the game!


We do cool right!
